Strategies To Manage Summer Drinking

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With summer already here, the season of sunshine, barbecues, parties, sitting out on patios, and an array of festivals and celebrations. It’s also the season of day drinking, a synonymous tradition with leisure and relaxation. 

Whether it’s toasting to a sunny weekend, sipping mimosas at brunch on a sunny patio, or enjoying your time out on a lake during the summer months - day drinking can often lead to worse hangovers, less discipline and worse sleep in general. Starting to drink in the early afternoon, combined with the summer heat can often lead to excessive drinking, which can be detrimental to your health and wellbeing. 


We’re here to ensure your enjoyment is not at the expense of your wellbeing. We’ve gathered a few tips to help you drink responsibly, while still enjoying the festivities and no fear of that awful hangover the next day.

  1. Prioritize Hydration - Ensuring you keep hydrated not only helps avoid a hangover from day drinking, but it’s also essential for overall health. Drink water or a non-alcoholic drink between your alcoholic beverages to maintain hydration. Alcohol and heat can speed up dehydration and increase the risk of getting drunk too fast.

  2. Drink slowly - Rather than racing to finish your drink, take your time, this will help you drink less, reducing the risk of a hangover. Try and keep track of your drinks as you’re having them, and stay aware of what you’re consuming. Can’t keep track yourself? Have a friend help you out, or try using a mindful drinking app to help stay accountable.

  3. Choose Wisely - The best drinks aren’t necessarily the strongest ones. Opt for drinks with a lower alcohol content to pace yourself throughout the day.

  4. Listen to your body - If you feel dizzy or have a headache, it’s your body’s way of telling you to slow down or stop altogether. Your body knows best; make sure to listen to it.

  5. Plan Ahead – Determine your limits before you start drinking, and stick to them. Knowing your limits can reduce your chances of getting a hangover.

  6. Eat before you drink – It is not recommended to drink on an empty stomach. Eating before you drink can slow the absorption of alcohol, and can also decrease the chances of nausea, dizziness, and other effects.

  7. Take breaks - Consider taking breaks to enjoy other activities. Give your body time to process the alcohol.

  8. Be mindful of the heat - The summer heat can intensify the effects of alcohol. Use the 1 to 1 ratio rule, drink 1 glass of water for every alcoholic beverage you have.

  9. Choose quality over quantity - it’s about the quality of your experience, not only the number of drinks consumed. 


Let’s make this summer not only fun but also responsible!

Maximize summer fun, minimize risks from alcohol

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