Campus Recovery is possible.

Join the ROC Alberta Movement.

We’re on a mission to co-create, champion, and sustain recovery programs that support and celebrate multiple recovery pathways for all campus members in Alberta and beyond.

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Recovery on Campus Alberta:

Funded by the Government of Alberta, we serve our members through peer support, social activities, awards, research, and education across 26 post-secondary institutions in Alberta. 

Join us in creating Campus Recovery Communities on your campus today!

ROC Alberta

Our Vision ,Mission, and Values

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Our Vision

Recovery-friendly campuses for all post-secondary institutions in Alberta.

Our Mission

In partnership with Alberta post-secondaries, we co-create, champion, and sustain recovery programs that support and celebrate all recovery pathways for campus communities.

Our Values

Respect, Integrity, Equity, Collaboration.

How do we achieve this?

  • Incorporating an Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Decolonizing (EDID) lens to all our work.
  • Engaging in knowledge development and mobilization that honours diverse ways of knowing and forms of knowledge.
  • Collaborating and advocating with communities to create a strong network and increase access for students, faculty, and staff to expanded opportunities for recovery capital.
  • Working collaboratively with the 26 publicly funded post-secondary institutions in Alberta to educate, destigmatize, and innovate around addiction and recovery.

Our Values

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Respect is achieved by honoring diversity with an inclusive, reciprocal, and listening approach to all individuals and communities. Listening to and recognizing different opinions, ideas, and approaches, and being present and valuing our colleagues, partners, and community’s voices and contribution.

We achieve respect by treating people with care, compassion, dignity, and professionalism, and caring for the environment in a sustainable way.


We attain integrity by being trustworthy and open minded, and communicating with honesty and transparency.

Integrity is reached by upholding the mission, values, ethical principles, and ethical practice, teaching, and research standards, and by interacting and working together with reciprocal accountability in our relationships.

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We achieve equity through prioritizing and promoting diversity and inclusion in our work, with both individuals and communities. We remove barriers to equity by recognizing the needs of the individual and community, challenging social injustice and disrupting the status quo. Lastly, by making decisions about policy, practices, research, and resource allocation using EDI principles.


Last, but not least is collaboration. By developing meaningful, impactful, and evident relationships in service to humanity, and working together with our partners and communities to achieve social change.

ROC is engaging, connecting, and involving community to foster supportive and beneficial collaborations.

ROC Alberta: What We Offer

Education & Training

Recovery 101 is a three-hour free online training that provides background and tools for supporting people on their
recovery path


Peer support: we run an anonymous virtual meeting for students, faculty and staff affected by behaviour or substance use issues, and their loved ones

Research & Collaboration

ROC Talks, Research, Recovery Science Knowledge Exchange Hub, Expanding evidence-based stigma reduction programming

Awards & Scholarships

Financial awards & scholarships for students, faculty, & staff in

Dear Candy...

Coming this summer, in our special “Dear Candy” feature, ROC’s Connection Strategy Coach, Founder of Candy Event Consulting, Lisa Gareau will be answering your questions as you plan and promote recovery-friendly, substance-free, community building, on campus events. Lisa knows - without a doubt - that events can become energized connecting points where communities can gather and grow. It's her joy to work with the ROC Team and coach ROC's network of post-secondary institutions to sweet - recovery-friendly – event success! 

Check It Out!
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